The Ministry of Health

Hon. Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, M.P
Minister of Health

Hon.Noah Chimpeni, M.P.
Deputy Minister of Health

Dr. Samson Mndolo
Secretary of Health
The path to normalcy- COVID-19 vaccine roll out in Malawi

About Us
Towards Universal Health Coverage
The Vision of the health sector is to achieve a state of health for all the people of Malawi that would enable them to lead a quality and productive life.
The Mission of the Ministry of Health is to provide strategic leadership for the delivery of a comprehensive range of quality, accessible and efficient health services to all Malawians through the creation and sustenance of a strong health system.
Central Hospitals

Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH)
Referral Hospital in the Central Region

Queens Central Hospital (QECH)
Referral Hospital in the Southern Region
Mzuzu Central Hospital
Referral Hospital in the Northern Region
Zomba Central Hospital
Referral Hospital in the Eastern Region
Zomba Mental Hospital
Referral Hospital in the Eastern Region

Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) is situated in Blantyre city, the commercial capital of Malawi. The Hospital is the oldest and largest government-owned tertiary facility in terms of OPD attendance, hospital admissions and number of specialist services.
Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe Malawi, is the leading public health service referral and tertiary care facility for the central region with 43 % of the Malawian population. Its services represent more than 300 000 contacts with patients annually, of which 45 000 are dealt with on as in-patient basis. KCH also performs a major function in the in-service training of medical and nursing professionals. .

Mzuzu Central Hospital (MCH) is a tertiary hospital in the Northern Region that serves a population of over 2 million people. MCH has a Medical High Dependency Unit that equips the severely under-resourced facility and help improve the health of MCH's large catchment area.

Zomba Hospital is one of the five central hospitals in the country under the Ministry of Health. A fundamental structural reform, has given the hospital significantly more autonomy. With the specialist departments of internal medicine, surgery/orthopaedics, gynaecology/obstetrics, pediatrics, anesthesia/intensive care medicine, skin and venereal diseases, eyes and more than 600 beds, it serves around 4.5 million people from the area as the only referral hospital

Zomba Mental Hospital is Malawi’s specialist inpatient facility and has existed in its present form since 1953. Treatment is predominantly along ’modern’’ medical lines, usually involving electroconvulsive therapy and/or pharmacotherapy.

In order to strengthen the delivery of adequate service delivery the Ministry of Health needs to
keep at all times a comprehensive Master Health Facility List (MHFL). To this end, the Ministry
through the Central Monitoring and Evaluation Division has been maintaining a list of all
facilities managed by either government or Christian Health Association of Malawi..
Get more information about any Healthy Facility at.
Technology Initiatives in Health

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Dashboard for HSSP II operational plan for FY 2020/21

Family Planning Dashboard